The Zine of Graphic Journalism

Overheard at the beach; a souvenir from Barcelona; Searle’s war drawings; and where to study illustrated journalism

August 7, 2022

Hello from Seattle and welcome to On the Spot, your guide to great sketching and reportage illustration. Lots of good stuff in this issue. Let’s get right to it! Overheard at the beach It’s August. It’s hot. And the sunbathers are out in force in Long Beach, New York, where reportage artist Melanie Reim has been capturing humorous interactions in […]

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  • Founder of Urban Sketchers, publisher at Sketcher Press and former columnist at The Seattle Times


On the Spot is the source of information and inspiration for reportage artists, urban sketchers, cartoonists, illustrators and any other visual storytellers who create works of graphic journalism. To become a contributor, send us your article pitches to
